
Testimonial From Carrathool Shire Council
Carrathool Shire Council is situated in south western NSW and covers an area of 19,000 square kilometres. Council has a plant fleet of over 100 units. The majority of these items are turned over regularly in line with a comprehensive replacement programme that is continuous.
Due to our isolation and vast area, Council decided to put in place an asset tracking system for our plant item and to roll the programme out over a period of time to include all major plant item, particularly those working in Isolation. Council has been using “ My Eye in the Sky “ for this purpose for some years now, and have found the product to be exceptional value for money, and a backup service that we are extremely happy with. Even in ares that have very little or next to no phone coverage, The “Eye in the Sky” system continues to let us know that our machines are moving and where they are.
The system is very easy to use and can generate any number of reports on a daily basis that are invaluable for our works program, and for the welfare of our staff. Council currently has 35 units, with more to be added as we upgrade our plant fleet.
I have no hesitation in recommending “ My eye in the Sky ”to anyone who requires peace of mind about plant locations and movements, and a product that is completely reliable in adverse conditions. The professionalism shown by this company is second to none, and should any issues arise, they are more than helpful.
For more information about what Carrathool Shire Council believes to be a valuable asset, The Manager of Fleet and town Services, Mr Bert Breuling can be contacted for his experience with this product.
Council`s phone number is 0269 651 900 during business hours or Mobile : 0429651xxx